Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Man I love wrestling. Following the mysterious SaveUs.222 video that ran on RAW, everyone is thinking the same thing. Jericho. I hope 'they' are right. With Edge out, The Rock in Hollywood and Triple H playing nice, there is a complete lack of confidant cool heels. Sure we have Randy Orton, but its not the same. He takes himself too seriously. We need the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a, the man of 1004 Moves, the King of Bling Bling. The WWE needs a saviour, and once again RAW will be Jericho.

Jay Z must feel kind of stupid right now. For years he was pushing Beanie Siegel and Memphis Bleek, and they did all right in the US, Im not 100% sure, they may have done really well. But all this time he had Kanye working for him and didn't see it. Now Kanye has blown up and broken through to the mainstream, in a way that even Jay was never quite able to (Again this is primarily based on an Australian view). Just seems like he missed, or at least dragged his feet on one hell of a talent.

My Top Tips:

Never name a blog post "Well Hung with a Snow White Tan". I did, now I keep getting traffic looking for, well, something other than David Bowie lyrics.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Third:
Always be honest, with yourself and with others.
The number of problems that stem from being dishonest is astounding. Dishonesty can damage relationships (both personal and financial), your image (The way you see yourself, as well as the way others do) and almost every other aspect of your life.
We are dishonest, for the most part because it is often easy. It is easier to lie and accept something than to stand up for yourself and assert an opinion. It is easier to lie than to admit to problems you face, because doing that may make you confront them.
This commandment has potentially large consequences for your life, so it may be difficult to do.
This commandment is tested when we have information regarding someone else, told in confidence. This is a potential problem, as someone else may try and get the information from you. It is best to let the person confiding in you know, that you will not lie for them, also if they do confide in you, tell them anyone you tell. Complete and total honesty at all times.

Random Updates:

Went out for dinner on the weekend, went to a bar above the rocks. If it wasnt so windy it would have been perfect. Cheap good meals, (which I needed, I was starving), cheap drinks and great company.
I always stayed in the city that night with Lana. It was fantastic too. We had breakfast at Pancakes, then went shopping a little, then home. It doesn't look like much on paper but it is. I love going away for the weekend. Feels so good, check in then go out and have dinner, when you get back they have turned down the bed. Luxury, you can't beat it.

Well I was there at midnight on Moday the 24th/Morning Tuesday 25th for Halo 3. I have only played a little of the multiplayer thus far. But seeing as how our download limit has almost been reached this month Im sure I will be 'forced' into the single player some time. First impressions of the multiplayer are good, primarily because I can get a few kills, unlike Gears of War. Also the variety, the weapons and vehicles make it more interesting. A more in depth review will show up eventually im sure.
In more Halo news, what everyone thought would happen did. It is the largest opening day (in terms of sales) of any type of entertainment ever, more than Spiderman3, more than Harry Potter. It eclipised them all with $170 million in sales in one day. Now sure, Spiderman may make more money over time, but as stated the profit on Spidey was around 40%, where as Halo will be 90%, and I those numbers will turn a lot of higher up heads at some companies that may have been resisting the move to games. "We can spend hundreds of millions making a movie and make 40%, or spendat most, 30 million and make an insane profit.
As for myself, I feel somewhat like this guy from Kotaku:
Over a million players logged into Xbox live during the first 20 hours of release, and nearly all of them have killed me at least once at this point.

Caught in the Web:

I was almost crying with laughter while watching this. Its the logical extension of Halo's popularity.

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