1. "Bioethical" violations, like birth control: Jessica Alba
Though pregnant herself, the stunning star urges others to "use birth control and condoms, please" in her upcoming book, "If I'd Known Then."
2. "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research: Nancy Reagan
The former First Lady is guilty of supporting embryonic stem cell research as a potential cure for Alzheimer's.
3. Drug abuse: Amy Winehouse
A well-known exorcist, the Rev. Bob Larson, has already volunteered to save the "Rehab" singer's soul.
4. Polluting the environment: Apple
Portfolio magazine reports on toxins found in iPhone and iPod headphone cords, and Apple's computer recycling program lags behind those of its rivals.
5. Helping widen the divide between rich and poor: Wall Street bonus recipients
A credit crisis and scores of layoffs didn't stop a record $38 billion in bonuses for bullish execs last year.
6. Excessive wealth: Warren Buffett
Worth $62 billion, Bill Gates' occasional bridge partner was just ranked the world's richest person by Forbes.
7. Creating poverty: The MTA fare hike
Subway riders feel the pinch while MTA boss Elliot Sander cruises with a driver earning six figures.
Ive said it before, everyone loves a good hiest.
These are great. Considering I plan on going on some job interviews soon, If I'm in an interview that isn't going well, I'll pull out some of these answers.
Another great weekend. Races on Saturday, won money which is also good, followed by drinks and dinner at Ship Inn.
On Sunday went snorkeling which is awesome, it doesnt have the incredible pain that scuba had for me, and I did get to see a whole bunch of fish which was awesome.
St Pattys day came and went. It was good, met up with some of my usual friends, went to Newtown, Star City and PBH.
My health is all over the place as usual. My blood pressure is around 125-130, which isn't too bad, if my doctor isn't worried then I'm not.
Turns out I also have some cysts in my sinuses. This is why I had such incredible pains after diving. Normally surgery isn't used people live with it. I think I might get them removed though. I don't want to be one dive away from my license forever. Again, my doctor isn't that worried, so neither am I.
The move to New York is gathering momentum, all from Lana's side. I have been really lazy in comparison, in terms of preparation and such. Its time I get started.