Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A little close to the boob don't ya think

Hello all.
Life Update: Work goes well, having basically finished my website, its now in its testing phase so theres nothing for me to do for a while.
Got some bad news this week, really bad news. But honestly i think it picked the wrong person. If there is anyone on the planet who can get through this he will. Stronger than Superman doesn't come close.
I have a whole Christmas cake to eat. Mmmmm.

I have a super power. Its not especially cool, like flying, or useful like X Ray vision, but its better than nothing. M y power is the ability to 'call' baked goods to me. If I feel like, say a cookie, within the next hour or two one will cross my path. I wont go looking for one, it will just show up.
Hey, at least I have A super power.

If your like me and have a whole bunch of photos on your computer that were taken by a digital camera, had their file name created automatically and now mean nothing, get Picasa. I had neglected my photos for ages, and now I have them named, time stamped and organised. Honestly, Its a great program, Its free and its google. How can you go wrong.

Weird Wide World:

Ok, this article, should help clarify what I mean when I say I'm a programmer. It shows just how absurd of an idea is portrayed.
Also this is a funny read. Now i know my sister had one of these toys, how many did you have?

Anyway, I have to go to sleep if I want to get up at 6:00 to go to the gym.