Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Past Me. I Cannot Figure the Angle. Go Ahead and Fight Him.

Well, Alana is now in England. It has been a very emotional few days since she left. First I was paranoid for 24 hours, untill I was first able to speak to her. Then things went down hill.
Being tired, alone and momentarily overwhelmed took its toll and she was miserable. I talked to her over the internet, and knowing that she was miserable spurred me into action. My first instinct was to hop on a plane, however logic won out, and I tried to reassure her that it would be better if she could give it more time.

I don't remember much about the depression I had in years 4 & 5, but sitting here unable to offer anything other than supportive words while Alana was so completely distraught was the most miserable I have ever been.

The next day wasn't any better, after a meeting with a landlord that went very poorly, based on him being a bit of a jerk, Alana was determined to come home. To say I was dissapointed is a lie, I hate being apart from Alana, but I also knew that if she did come home she would regret it. So I encouraged her to think it over some more.

What a difference a day makes. After a good meeting with a job agency and possibly lots of time for her body to catch up Lana is feeling confident that although it may be tough, she is determined to stay.

I am SO jealous of her, but I look at the big picture. She is doing what she needs to, to get to NY, and so am I. Its just that hers is so much more exciting.

Its been a bad week money wise. I lost about $1500 on the sharemarket. Now that things have crashed a little, its a great time to buy (Duh). Im thinking about moving more into shares, but how deep into the rabbit hole do I go?

Right now im split about 55% Cash -45% Shares. I think if I take the view of shares as long term investment than I should move more over. Right now I only think of unrealised gains.
I just now moved more money over, Ok Alice lets check it out. (Sorry for the references Im reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland now, through DailyLit of course).

My Top Tips:

Stop drinking coke. Take a look at what it does to your body:

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…

  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth

Caught in the Web:

I do like hearing the real telling of fairy tales. Here is a list with a few of them on it.

Taken from McSweeneys

God mode. Total invincibility to all attacks. You can just stand there and the aliens can't kill you. Heck, you could even put the controller down and they still can't do anything. You could even walk away from the Xbox and—crazy idea—talk to someone who's been sitting here for the past hour wondering if that was in fact an actual conversation she had earlier about going to the movies this afternoon and not just an incredibly realistic dream. In fact, you could come back to the game three hours later and you'd still have all your health. You could even come back to the game tomorrow—while a certain someone is working a 10-hour shift at Lane Bryant to pay the rent since someone else was recently "downsized" from Golden Swirl for "managerial reasons" that I'm sure were totally unrelated to his habit of napping in the service hallway—and you'd have the whole day all to yourself. Incredibly enough, Master Chief would be in fine, fine shape.
Invisibility. Remain unseen by enemies, no matter what you do! You could shoot them in the face with a Mark V pulse rifle and they still wouldn't see you. Or you could, say, sit here on the couch, theatrically flipping through a copy of Elle that you've already read twice, praying that somebody still has enough of a brain left that he can take a hint, but, no, you'd still remain totally undetected. You could probably even leave and he wouldn't know or care. Seriously. Walk right out that door and he wouldn't even notice. Walk out that door and maybe call his best friend, Jeff Harshak, and see if he wants to lick Cool Whip off your naked body. Did you hear that? Jeff Harshak? Cool Whip–covered nipples? Hello? Yes, invisibility can sure come in handy.
Infinite ammunition. Nonstop, heart-pounding action guaranteed to get boring, repetitive, and pointless 50 percent faster, shortening the time before you finally, I don't know, take a shower and eat something else besides Bugles and Dolly Madison mini-dughnuts
Receive all weapons. Instantly gives you the complete Halo 3 arsenal, including the Mark V pulse rifle, covenant carbine, bouquet of flowers, chainsaw, plasma blade, flamethrower, gift basket with scented bath crystals, trip mine, magma cannon, some chocolates or something once in a while, submachine gun, wanting a foot massage does not make me "high-maintenance," needler, missile pod, I'm not asking for the damn Hope Diamond here, railgun, and flak pistol. Oh, and the occasional-compliment-giver ray would be nice, too
B, X, Y, LEFT, UP, B
Shield boost. Plasma shield is impervious to fire from projectile weapons such as needlers, covenant carbines, and, oh, I don't know, a Glade Plug-In hurled in frustration across the room, maybe? And you never know when you'll be caught in a flurry of bottles of nail polish or even—crazy as it sounds—the apologetic thank-you card I just realized someone never sent to my sister for having us at her party to celebrate her making partner at Kenscher & Foley—yes, that party, where a certain someone drank too much Crown Royal and kept inviting her friends to "join his firm" before he managed the monumental feat of embarrassing himself even further by spitting up the Better Cheddars he'd eaten too much of all over his only dress shirt, which I happened to buy him for his birthday. Shield not impervious to melee attacks. I said, "Shield not impervious to—" Ugh! Never. Mind.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And It's Good to Have You With Us, Even If It's Just For a Day

Random Updates:

I got to see David Beckham bend in a penalty kick. That like seeing Ali or Jordan do thier thing. People talk about going to see a real soccer match in England as something you have to do once, Ill do it, but I think this will be so much more memorable. I still dont like or dislike soccer (watching it), but that was really something special. Here it is, for those who werent there (sucked in).

Damn game companies. Coming out between now and christmas are:
Rock Band - Like Guitar Hero, but set up for a band. A guitar, a drum kit and a mic. Guitar Hero was great, this looks exponentially better. The only problem being that I have to find two (or three) other people who are willing to be in a room with me. A difficult problem.
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - I was initially sceptical of this game, I'd heard it has a great story but still wasn't impressed. However I recently bought Hitman: Blood Money (Made by the same people). This game is so much fun, so well made, that I now have complete faith in the developer.
Assassins Creed - This was a much hyped title. I bought it the other day, havnt had a chance to play it yet, but I am excited. I know that some people might not like it, but I am sure I will.
Mass Effect - Another game I had heard of, but wasn't all that excited for. Then I heard more of it, saw more movies and so on. Now i'm excited for it.

Who knew that vegan was pronounced vee-jan?

Caught in the Web:

Drunken Slash is awesome. His band mates staring in awe of his drunkeness is even better.

List of things that I hope dont come to Australia:
Columbian Devils Breath - The only thing in Columbia more scary than the Cali Cartel were, the Columbians Devils Breath. Its bad stuff. Kind of like the ultimate date rape drug.

Japanese Hornets - These hornets are two inches long. Think about a nest of these damn things, its insane. Their sting can kill humans, even if they aren't allergic. Just a few of them can destroy a whole european bees nest quite easily. Fortunately the asian bee has developed a defense, they surround the hornet with hundreds of bees, heat up the bee ball and cook the hornet alive. If that isnt evidence of evolution then what is.

I am now addicted to these sites. They are PostSecret and OneSentence. PostSecret involves people sending in homemade postcards with secrets written on them, if they are all true, they provide a fascinating view into other peoples lives. OneSentence is quite similar, it has people submitting stories in one sentence. I guess its no different to watching big brother, but then again, Im dont care about the things these people do. I just like seeing what some people are too scared to say in person.


Halo 3: To really review a game such as this you have to break it down into its parts, review each, then decide how good the sum of those parts are. So to begin, the parts

Single Player, Multi-Player and Extras.

Single Player:

The Good:

      • Level Design: Gone are the repitious nature of the first game (excluding a trip to a ring, where, as assumed, it is quite similar to the first ring). The levels each feel different, the jungle shows signs of a prolonged campaign against the Covenant, lots of small battlements litter the land scape in between larger bases, while the mission set inside a flood infested ship shows how virus like they are, with floodling spores and organic doors throughout the ship. There is one part of a mission, where you are tasked with taking out three anti-air ships, here the sections are quite similar, however it does end with a fight against a scarab, so it redeems itself.
        Speaking of, at one point you are against two scarabs and have a small ship to gly around, I landed on the the first, pushed the ship off the edge, destroyed the scarabs power core, jumped off and managed to get into the ship and sly away as it was exploding. It made for one intense experience and rewatching it was just as fun.
      • A.I: Both the allied and enemy A.I. is much improved, and considering it wasnt exactly bad in the first two thats saying something. As before the grunts will attack, untill you fight back, in which case they turn and run. The brutes use their items (Bubble Shield, etc) well, although they do seem to act independantly when in a group, which can result in Bubble Shields overlapping.
      • Scope: Everything seems, grander, in this encounter. The set pieces are bigger and with more players, the levels are not always larger but seem more real. You feel like you are fighting a war, not rushing from one set of corridors to another. Being able to take on a Scarab (or two) is also amazing.
The Bad:
      • The Weapons: As with Halo 2, some new weapons are added, some are kept some are changed. Overall however the newly added weapons don't add much to the gameplay. The sword was introduced in Halo 2, and the Gravity Hammer, while immensly satisfying to use, feels very similar in terms of tactical use. The brutes weapons mauler is fun to use, although its limited ammo and slow rate of fire mean that as soon as you can replace it you will.
      • The Enemies: Through out the game you fight the Covenant and the Flood. Fair enough, but the Covenant have lost the elites, as they are now your allies, so as far as the Covenant are concerned you fight Grunts, Brutes and Jackals. You also fight the Hunters and Drones, but so rarely as to barely warrant a mention. Fighting the three main enemies does get repetitive. Mixing it up with another level, between Brutes and Grunts would have been good. Perhaps a larger kind of jackal, as they are relegated primarily to snipers.
      • Its all good. There might not be enough maps for some, but the maps they have are SO solid. I play primarily team objective, which changes between Zanzibar, High Ground and Valhalla, primarily, and honestly these three are all I need. Being on a good team, using lots of communication and teamwork, makes a big difference but its fun either way. Although I have spent a lot of time playing it online, as I said, 95% of it has been on the one mode, so my analysis isn't as in depth, its good.
      • Skulls: These are hidden, well hidden, throughout the levels. Once you collect them they change the game a little, making it more challenging / interesting to play. You can turn them on and off. I am currently going through collecting them, then I will play with them on and see how good it is.
      • The Forge: I havent used it but its basically allows you to edit the multiplayer levels on the fly, as you are playing them.
      • Saved Films: This i have used. Wipe out an entire team, no one else saw it? Doesnt matter, go to the save films and relive the glory over and over and over. So much fun to watch it and see just how much is happening at all times, in both multi and single player.
King of Kings Recommendation: If you have played the first two it is a must have, if you havent and have no interest in going back and playing them / finding out what happened, I might find something else. For me anyway, its probably top three from all my 360 games.

Hits of the Week:
1. Sams Town (Abbey Road Remix) - The Killers
2. Lonely Soul - Unkle

Babe of the Day:
Jennifer Ellison

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Not everything is strippers and booze and buckets of blood

It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style

My Top Tips:

Work on my story continues, at a snails pace admittedly, but it continues. Its strange watching this story evolve, I have mapped out the current chapter, and the next, although they only take up about a line each, so its not detailed. But everytime I sit down this story just kind of appears, I haven't thought it out, but still its showing up, with characters and intrigue and already I have decided it will be a trilogy, to start with, and know of a few scenes and trilogy long story arcs I will be including. Its filling in these finer points that is strange, because it is so unexpected.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Fifth: Be your own person.
This seems kind of strange, in a list telling you how to live life, one of the points is to ignore others advice and make your own life. I present this as the most important of any commandment. At the end of the day each person is themselves responsible for how thier life turns out. Whether they accept this responsibility or not is something entirely different.
This does not mean that you should ignore what everyone else says and go stomping off on your own path, although sometimes that's what's needed. Listen and learn from others, there is a lot of knowledge out there. At the end of the day its what you do with what you have learnt that matters. If you like something, despite protests from others saying you shouldn't, ignore them, similarly, if you find yourself doing things you dislike, but pretending to like them just to fit in, I would sugggest a change.
Its a hard one to qualify, because it is a self negating statement. Learn to live with yourself, because you will be together for the rest of your life.

These are getting harder to think up each time, maybe I should have limited it to ten. Or seven, actually five would be great.

Random Updates:

Listening to people talk about something, anything with passion, is a powerful force. The two examples I have are:
1) On Howard Stern, they were talking about a party at a pizza place. The way they went on about how good the pizzas were, as well as the company at the party. If you could listen to it and not want a pizza, you live a sad life.
2) Listening to the 1Up Yours Podcast (About games). Listening to them wax on about a game, (In this case Mass Effect). It definately put this game on my radar.

Baby-sat my cousins all weekend. Man it was fun. One is 1 y.o, the other is 3 y.o. Its wierd to see what they see as fun, the three year old wanted games that had the appearance of competition, but only so that he could say he is the winner. The games were to revolve around him winning, and if he didnt the rules were changed so he would. We never lose the desire to win, but when do we pick up the difference between a win that we deserve compared to just being given a win.
The 1 y.o just wanted me to lay down so he could sit on my chest and look at me, or jump in and disrupt what ever the 3 y.o was doing.
I think they made me sick. Damn them.

So the Writers Guild of America is on strike. From what I can gather, the writers want more residual money, from dvds and they also want to get money for 'new media' as in shows sold over the internet. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers is saying 'no dice' to the whole affair. Refusing to give any residuals for the new media and not willing to renegotiate on the DVD residuals. This seems ridiculus to me. The AMPTP has to realise that now is not the time to be without tv shows. Without new content thier cash source will dry up real quick. DVD sales might boom, as will NetFlix rentals and possibly video game sales, it will be really hard to get back some of the audience it loses.
if people who previously werent buying DVD's start to now, they will realise how annoying 'free'-to-air is with its constant interruptions. So again, the DVD sales go up, but if the ratings go down, then sponsers leave, and then you really lose money. Its a slippery slope, I think that when scripted tv does come back, it wont be bigger than ever, but rather it will face a tough few months before it has pre strike ratings. But then again people are stupid so im almost certain to be wrong.

Caught in the Web:

I have for a long time been fascinated with the original fairy tales. I think its crazy how the original stories told to children when they were created, yet are now deemed to upsetting.

This is just .... a sign of the times i guess. Ashley Maddison is a dating site, for those already in a relationship. Its created to facilitate adultery. I find myself, although initially disgusted, now almost not caring. It is just the way society is heading, there is a market there and these people are just selling to that market. Reminds me of when my grandmother wondered what was wrong with people that they had to go online to find a partner, why they couldnt just go to the pub and find someone. That seemed like such a no brainer to me, why should your partner be confined to the people you could meet at any one spot on any one night. By going online you are able to find more people with similar interests. Im not saying that the current dating model is wrong, but from a coldly, logical stand point, it doesnt make much sense. Hell, look how many marriages end in divorce (Maybe because of Ashley Maddison, yessssssss, way to tie it all back Matty), surely that shows that the current methods are heavily flawed.

I love this story, there was a traffic incident between a guy and girl. I don't know who was to blame, but there was mutual aggression shown, and then the woman gave the 'little pinky' motion to the man. This worked, as he got so angry he threw a bottle at her car. Of course he got fined and so on.
I love it. The "No one thinks big of you" is perfect in terms of what it wants to do. It works on the best principle, hit 'em where it hurts. If they are 'insecure' this will really piss them off, which may cause them to slow down.

Just incase you watch Resident Evil and think, that'll never happen. Oh how wrong you are. I predict Zombies appear in 10-15 years. America, where they originate, is lost within 6 months, EurAsia within a year, England 14 months, Australia 16-24 months (Depending on the intelligence of the Zombies). New Zealand 15 months. I, of course, will take 50 women of my choosing and live on the moon for 20-50 years, preparing a repopulation for when the zombies eventually die off. Hmm, they will probably eat the majority of animals, so I guess eventually I will be a vegetarian, that and deep sea fish.

Top 3 Hits of the Week:
1. Bleed it Out - Linkin Park
2. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
3. Head like a Hole - NIN

Babe of the day:

Scarlet Johanson

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I don't have time for this, I have a rabbit to buy.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Fourth: Save / Invest your money.
Good or bad, money is needed nowdays. To live and take care of yourself and others you do need money. For most people it takes so long to get money, through work and what not, why would you not want to keep it, or use it to make more of it.
I am not going to outline a specific saving strategy, because they can be found ALL over the internet. Instead I am just going to say remember to save your money, learn to invest and take care with spending it.

Random Updates:

Went to the Marilyn Manson concert on the weekend. It was crazy. I arrived and saw a line but thought it wouldn't be that bad, so I went and got dinner and a coffee. Then I decided to join the line. It snaked past the Horden Pavillion, out to the street and up to the stadium. It was crazy long. But walking along it did give me a chance to see how everyone was dressed. It was a mix of people. All in black of course. Some going the whole way, huge leather boots, Mohawks, make up, all of it. Others were just wearing tour shirts and jeans. It was very cool seeing everyone getting in to it (this may be due to the fact that the majority of girls were wearing either lingerie, or short skirts/shorts with fishnets). Finally got in, bought a shirt, realised that a beer gut and a mesh shirt should never, EVER go together, then went in. Since I was by myself I decided that sitting down was out, I was going to get right in it. I managed to get about four deep to the left of the stage, right under the speaker. Waited for about an hour before he came on, but it was worth it. The concert was mind blowing, and being so close made it so much better. Especially for songs that people really got into "The Fight Song", "Dope Show", and of course, the finale "The Beatiful People". I went in thinking it would be a great show, and it was, despite the smallish stage, there was a lot happening and the majority of songs had there own set and or props.
One thing that seperated this concert was the lack of an encore. Not that he didn't deserve one (Ive never been to a concert people wanted to walk away from), but it was refreshing to see him come out and do his set, without the five minutes of an empty stage, but no house lights, waiting for the encore.
The other thing to say is that in the end, I am glad I went by myself. Going with someone who didn't like the music would have hampered the feel of the concert, and going with someone who would have wanted to sit would have made it in to a completely different concert. In the end, getting in their, moshing out and ruining my ears for the next two days was so better becasue I was by myself, not worse.
Having said that I am anxious about Linkin Park, I am going by myself again, but I'm sitting. Hmmm, maybe I could trade, or sneak down.

Linkin Park was this weekend. Man I update so regularly. It was crazy. To summarise, if you dont want to read the more extensive review, better concert, but because I was in a seat not as fun as Manson.
Another concert that I went to by myself. Doesn't worry me in the least. Got to the city about an hour before the doors opened with a mission, pizza, good pizza. Unfortunately it was at the Sydney Entertainment Centre which is in China town. Quickly abandoning the pizza idea, i looked for something. Settled on Oporto. Got inside and headed straight for merchandise. Didnt wait in line, kind of just snuck in the side, I know im a horrible person, got a shirt then headed for a beer. Got the beer, looked at the shirt, not the one I wanted. Damn Karma. Gupled down the beer, went back and lined up again. Got in and heard Chris Cornell, all right but not great. Turns out he has done quite a few songs that I know. Interlude, then it was time for the main show. Starts off with a white sheet covering the stage, three clashes of music coincide with the lights coming up from back stage, throwing a sillouette over the sheet, the first two were just of the stage (It was set up as two levels, drums and DJ up top, guitar and singers on the main), the third one you could see the band as well. A very cool way to start what would be a very cool concert.
They went through pretty much their entire collection of hits, from Hybrid Theory to Minutes to Midnight. Not just the stadium rocking hits, but some quiter pieces as well. I stood the entire concert (screw the people behind me). Just a huge amount of energy, and a great concert.

Caught in the Web:

Who doesnt love a good large scale robbery story, here are ten of the best.

A great bit from Conan - An alarm goes off in the studio while taping.

There are some sites that I suggest. Mostly I stumble on these through Digg or Shoutwire, but they do provide good content, on almost a daily basis. They are:

Double Viking - A very male centric humor site, although this wouldnt stop everyone from enjoying it. Cool & funny lists & videos. Not specifically funny lists, but usually worth a read.

Cracked - Similar in the amount of funny lists and videos, although its target audience is much larger. Updated more regularly and generally better than Double Viking, much more focused on humor.

Snopes - Urban legends website. Not only will it keep you interested for months, but the forums are also full of crazy rumors and thoerys.

Right Thoughts ... Not Right Wing -

WallStreetFighter - Another blog that is updated regularly with interesting or funny articles, videos and photos.

Penny Arcade - Possibly the greatest web comic ever, also the articles are always entertaining and informative, and the podcasts are hilarious.

Digg - A social networking site, have talked about it before, users submit stories they find interesting, if they are good, they get dugg to the top. This collects stories from a lot of websites, including some of the sites listed above.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Trying something new

As well as the big posts, im going to do smaller ones when I feel the need. They will almost always be about funny stuff I find.

Posted on CraigLists
What am I doing wrong?

Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and classy.
I’m not from New York . I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 - 250. But that’s where I seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won’t get me to central park west. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she’s not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:

- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms

-What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won’t hurt my feelings

-Is there an age range I should be targeting (I’m 25)?

- Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I’ve seen really ‘plain jane’ boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I’ve seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What’s the story there?

- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows - lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?

- How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY

Please hold your insults - I’m putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I’m being up front about it. I wouldn’t be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn’t able to match them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.

The Response:

I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament.
Firstly, I’m not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here’s how I see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here’s why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here’s the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful!

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage. It doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what you’re asking) so I’d rather lease. In case you think I’m being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It’s as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as “articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful”
as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K hasn’t found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn’t need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you’re going about it the right way.
Classic “pump and dump.”
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Man I love wrestling. Following the mysterious SaveUs.222 video that ran on RAW, everyone is thinking the same thing. Jericho. I hope 'they' are right. With Edge out, The Rock in Hollywood and Triple H playing nice, there is a complete lack of confidant cool heels. Sure we have Randy Orton, but its not the same. He takes himself too seriously. We need the Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a, the man of 1004 Moves, the King of Bling Bling. The WWE needs a saviour, and once again RAW will be Jericho.

Jay Z must feel kind of stupid right now. For years he was pushing Beanie Siegel and Memphis Bleek, and they did all right in the US, Im not 100% sure, they may have done really well. But all this time he had Kanye working for him and didn't see it. Now Kanye has blown up and broken through to the mainstream, in a way that even Jay was never quite able to (Again this is primarily based on an Australian view). Just seems like he missed, or at least dragged his feet on one hell of a talent.

My Top Tips:

Never name a blog post "Well Hung with a Snow White Tan". I did, now I keep getting traffic looking for, well, something other than David Bowie lyrics.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Third:
Always be honest, with yourself and with others.
The number of problems that stem from being dishonest is astounding. Dishonesty can damage relationships (both personal and financial), your image (The way you see yourself, as well as the way others do) and almost every other aspect of your life.
We are dishonest, for the most part because it is often easy. It is easier to lie and accept something than to stand up for yourself and assert an opinion. It is easier to lie than to admit to problems you face, because doing that may make you confront them.
This commandment has potentially large consequences for your life, so it may be difficult to do.
This commandment is tested when we have information regarding someone else, told in confidence. This is a potential problem, as someone else may try and get the information from you. It is best to let the person confiding in you know, that you will not lie for them, also if they do confide in you, tell them anyone you tell. Complete and total honesty at all times.

Random Updates:

Went out for dinner on the weekend, went to a bar above the rocks. If it wasnt so windy it would have been perfect. Cheap good meals, (which I needed, I was starving), cheap drinks and great company.
I always stayed in the city that night with Lana. It was fantastic too. We had breakfast at Pancakes, then went shopping a little, then home. It doesn't look like much on paper but it is. I love going away for the weekend. Feels so good, check in then go out and have dinner, when you get back they have turned down the bed. Luxury, you can't beat it.

Well I was there at midnight on Moday the 24th/Morning Tuesday 25th for Halo 3. I have only played a little of the multiplayer thus far. But seeing as how our download limit has almost been reached this month Im sure I will be 'forced' into the single player some time. First impressions of the multiplayer are good, primarily because I can get a few kills, unlike Gears of War. Also the variety, the weapons and vehicles make it more interesting. A more in depth review will show up eventually im sure.
In more Halo news, what everyone thought would happen did. It is the largest opening day (in terms of sales) of any type of entertainment ever, more than Spiderman3, more than Harry Potter. It eclipised them all with $170 million in sales in one day. Now sure, Spiderman may make more money over time, but as stated the profit on Spidey was around 40%, where as Halo will be 90%, and I those numbers will turn a lot of higher up heads at some companies that may have been resisting the move to games. "We can spend hundreds of millions making a movie and make 40%, or spendat most, 30 million and make an insane profit.
As for myself, I feel somewhat like this guy from Kotaku:
Over a million players logged into Xbox live during the first 20 hours of release, and nearly all of them have killed me at least once at this point.

Caught in the Web:

I was almost crying with laughter while watching this. Its the logical extension of Halo's popularity.

Friday, September 21, 2007

You just frigided your way out of a biscuit.

I found a list of 100 things to blog on. Not all of them are great but I will do some of them, starting now.

What I Spend Money On
Well I suppose the best way to break this down is to have recurring costs and non recurring costs, I will also include how I savce my money, just to show that I am somewhat responsible. For recurring costs:
  • Two mobile phones.
  • Board
  • Health Insurance
  • Income Protection Insurance
  • Comics (I get certain titles each month so there is a set recursive cost). For non recursive costs:
  • Food (Lunches at work)
  • Transport (Train to & from gym)
For Non recursive costs I have:
  • Dining Out
  • Clothes
  • Games
  • DVDs
  • Food (Coffee etc)
  • Comics (Whenever I go to the shop I end up picking up a few extra things if I want to or not).
  • Hotels (About once a month with Alana, we share the cost)
  • Transport (fuel whenever i use the car)
For Investment/ Savings I have:
  • Emergency Fund (this only gets a little each month, but it will build over time)
  • ING Savings account
  • Shares

Looking at it like this I do know where I could cut some expenses. In a year I will be down to one phone, I am on a contract I wont renew for my second). I suppose If i was to take on a loan for a house I would cut down on hotels, dining comics and games. I wouldnt eliminate these completely, but I would reduce the amount of money spent on them. As it stands I feel i put away enough each month (44% of my after tax income) to justify having fun with the money leftover.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Second:
Never allow yourself to be overweight. This is a polarising commandment, although only because people have taken a "if everyone else is, why can't I be?" approach to looking after themselves. Do not think of this as, I should go on a diet. Instead think I should live a healthier life, It must be a long term change for it to work. It is no more difficult to live a healthy life, however changing the way you think, changing from one lifestyle to the other could be difficult. This does not mean you have to spend all your free time at the gym. You just have to realise that some foods are once a week foods, and more importantly everyone should exercise, if not everyday, every second day. On that point there can be no discussion, you must exercise.
This commandment is not done to punish people, but to ensure that they live longer healthier lives. Do you want to spend your 'golden years' in and out of hospital because you have one of the dozens of problems associated with being overweight? I didn't think so.
Some easy ways to live a healthier life:
  • Replace soda with water, or natural low sugar juice.
  • Reward yourself with something other than food. Go and visit a friend, go for a walk, go to the zoo.
  • Go for a 30 minute walk an hour after getting home. Get home, relax, have a cup of tea, what ever. Then go for a walk, use it as thinking time, go with a friend, learn something via podcasts.

Random Updates:

Cats like Fish
Big's a Cat
Big likes Fish

Thats a poem I made years ago. Its not really a poem, more like a bad exercise in logic. That might have been what it was intended to be originally. I can't remember. Big is from the Sonic games.
Another long weekend coming up. I don't have any plans yet. Im sure i will find something to fill the time *cough*HALO F'IN 3 *cough*. Yeah, I dont know, I might just hang out at home all weekend ;). Its not that I have been caught up in the hype for Halo 3 (which in my opinion has been lacking Down Under, compared to Halo 2). I ruh-heally want to see how it all ends.
You always here about unsung heros, and you're reading about another one right now. My entire life, I have been fighting a one man war against seasonal foods (Christmas Cake, Hot Cross Buns etc). Their numbers are many, but my appetite is large. Unfortunately it is rather a bleak period, Christmas still seems so far away. I suppose I will have to demand a thanksgiving lunch so I can get some turkey.

Caught in the Web:

Im sure this is old, but its just plain funny.


Prince of Persia Classic (X Box Live Arcade):

I remember playing Prince of Persia all those years ago. I remember vividly not being able to get past the third level, because that was where the 'splicer' traps appeared, and I could never master them.
When I fired this up on my xbox, I wasnt sure if it would still play as well as I remembered. After all there have been a lot of changes in gaming since then. Could a simple side on action game compete with interactive worlds like Oblivion? The answer is obvisouly no, but it doesn't try to. POPC simply tries to deliver an hours (Just the 1 hour) worth of challenge and fun, and on that it delivers big time.
This is a game that is easy to pick up and play. None of the puzzles, or enemies present enough of a challenge to cause someone to stop playing, but they are not so easy that you will run through it perfetly the first time.
King of Kings Recommendation: Get it if you want a quick gaming fix.

Kanye West - Graduation:
The first listen through of this, to be honest, was below expectations. This was because I was expecting something similar to his second album, with more stand out hits, thinking "Gold Digger" & "Touch the Sky" stuff that really blows you away with the beat. This cd does have some standout songs, "Stronger" obviously being the one that really stands out. After listening to it several times, I realise its excellence. The difference in the songs is strong enough to make each one stand out. Kanye uses his guests to his advantage, I love Coldplay (I own all thier CD's as in the actual CD's) but its still wierd to hear Chris Martin on a rap song (Having not heard Jay Z's Kingdom Come). Personal favourites include "Good Morning", "Everything I am", "Stronger", "Homecoming" and "Barry Bonds". Thats not saying the others are bad, thats just the ones I like the most.
The one thing that this CD really highlights is Kanye's lyrical skills. He's not quite Jay Z, and sure isn't Nas, but he is good and he is growing, especially with this CD.
King of Kings Recommendation: This is a CD that I would suggest for those who like music, not just those who like rap. It really is one of those CD's that could convert people to liking rap.

Top 5 Hits of the Week:
1. Ayo Technology - 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland
2. Homecoming - Kanye West & Chris Martin
3. Heart Shaped Glasses - Marilyn Manson
4. Will 2k - Will Smith
5. Although I dropped $100'000 - Paul Frees

Babe of the day:
Dita Von Teese - I realise I didnt post a picture last week. Correcting that now.

Friday, September 14, 2007

It is a blurred line that lies at the edge of Godhood and insanity. Guess which side of it I am on?

I bet 50 Cent is feeling pretty stupid right about now. He 'promised' to stop making individual CD's if Kanye's outsold his in the first week, and going by first day sales, it looks like he's going to have his word put to the test. In a suprise to no one, fiddy has already retracted that statement.
Staying on rap, how has Snoop Dogg been able to coast along, with this image of being a corner stone of rap, without releasing a decent song for the last who knows how long. Now Snoop has been on songs that have done well, but for the most part as a guest or with other people backing him up. I suppose looking back he seems to always be the second man, behind 2Pac, Dre and now Pharrell, Pussycat dolls and anyone else who needs some relaxed rhymes in the background.
Im not saying he's bad, he is one of the best at what he does, he just doesn't deserve the legend status that seems to be applied to him.

My Top Tips:

Get Halo 3. Its going to be the biggest entertainment premiere ever. Mark my words. This will blow Spiderman 3's opening weekend so far out of the water. Its so big, GameStop (American computer game shop chain) is firing employees on the spot if they open the boxes early. Its going to be HUGE.
Finish the Fight.

12 New Commandments:
A new feature. Like my top tips, but this will cause me to actually think things through, rather than short rants.
Commandment the First:
Drink Water. Starting the commandments off simple. Water is quite simply the most beneficial thing in the universe for the human body. The brain, skin, blood and digestive system all benefit from drinking water. Provided you don't over do it (2 Litres in 30 mins without a bathroom break would be over doing it), drink as much as you can. Even the best juices are high in sugar, and there is nothing worth drinking in soda's, but were all going to drink them any way. There is a lot that anyone can do to improve their lives, without a doubt the easiest is to drink more water.

Random Updates:

The long weekend has come and gone (Thank you APEC). Although I didn't go down to the snow, which was my plan up till the Monday starting the week, I didn't find myself wishing I was down there once.
I hung out with Alana all weekend, which as always was incredible.
I had a night of drinking with her brother, his friend and her cousin, which was one of the most fun nights i've had in ages. That night and the casino night, I don't go out a lot but each time its a lot of fun. Late night hide and seek is the greatest game ever.

If you cast your gaze to the top of the site you will see, AD's (Dum Dum Duhhhhhhm). Yes, in an effort to try and make a little money I have added Googles AdSense. Now i suppose I should just make something worth reading....yeah that'll happen.

Caught in the Web:

This is a great video, its 8 minutes long but its worth watching. Its completely inspired me to go to Africa. Some people watch as some lionesses grab a baby buffalo. I wont spoil it but ill just say there is also some crocodiles and a hell of a lot of action. Why the hell am I talking about it. This is the web of the future here it is:

Hit of the Week:

Teenagers - My Chemical Romance

Babe of the day:

Dita Von Teese

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I Am Being Lapped By People In The Game Of Life

Its been a while. I have lost enthusiasm for creating these long drawn out things. I dunno. I'll keep it up, maybe smaller posts (I've said that before).

My Top Tips:

This is a weird character. Once you use it, it reverses all text after it. I cant really use it here, since it reverses the entire post, sorry.

Random Updates:

Birthday Drinks - The plan was for a whole night of drinking and it delivered. We hit the Orient Hotel on George St on the edge of China Town. Stayed there for a while, then decided to go to the casino. Had to get a six pack on the way, which didnt end well for all, as I was way to over the top with a toast and chipped a friends toast. Casino went well, playing roulette, as always and ended up winning about 600. This kept us in drinks for a while, although everyone was buying so I cant take all the credit. We spent a few hours at the Lagoon Bar at the Casino then as the sun had come up we decided it was time for breakfast, so we headed to George St got Maccas and then went for one final beer at the... bar next to Woolworths Metro.

Caught in the Web:

I can't decide if this is the greatest party dinner ever or really, really creepy. Imagine a pinata, that looked like a person, and 'bled' when it was opened. Im not sure how I should feel, although I know if I sat down somewhere and someone wheeled one out for dinner, I wouldnt even use utensils, I'd get into the spirit of the thing and dig in head first. I'd be like a tiger plowing into a giraffe (That joke is funnier if you're me).


God of War:

The Game: First of all, I am a fan of mythology so this was going to go over well with me. The game is heavily involved in mythology. You play the role of Kratos, a warrior who is in the service to Ares the God of War. I won't give away the story, as it alone is reason enough to play the game, or at least watch someone play through the whole game.
You travel through a variety of different locations, each with their own look, feel and challenges. These include Athens, a desert, a maze within a mountain and even the underworld.
As an added bonus, after you finish the game you open up some 'Making of' documentaries. These are interesting and worth watching, they include concept art, levels that were deleted and preliminary character models. Much like a bonus disc of a dvd. Very cool.

The Gameplay: The game is a hack and slash fighter. You fight through all the evil forces of greek mythology the Hydra, Medusa's, Minotaur's, Cyclops' and all manner of other baddies. It is a violent game, in that you will tear people in half, jam swords down throats and generally do all that is expected of a representative of Ares. There are a few puzzles that are not only challenging, but really engaging, and for the most part they make sense within the story. I played through on medium difficulty and at no point did I think that it was so hard I was not going to be able to finish, and if there is some part that seems impossible, after a few retries the game will ask if you want to change the difficulty and make it easier.
King of Kings Rating: *****

Ultimate Spiderman (PS2):
The Game: Make no mistake, this game perfectly captures the look, feel, humor, characters and all other aspects of Ultimate Spiderman the comic. You play as both Peter Parker and Venom, and despite having some features in common they do feel quite different. Venom feels like someone who is built solely for attacking and hurting people while Spiderman moves much faster and cannot regenerate health.
The New York in the game is incredibly detailed for its size. Not only does it include all the things that are unique to the real New York, like the TKTS stand in Time Square, it also includes different things from the New York in the Marvel universe. These include the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, as well as signs for Kraven the Hunter.
The other reference to the Marvel Universe include the other characters you will encounter, ones like Trask, Nick Fury and Silver Sable are all part of the story so it makes sense. But its cooler to see Wolverine show up in a bar and Johnny Storm show up for a race.
The story is good, but a little short. It includes a lot of characters, both good and bad and flows well between both Venom and Spiderman. I personally would have liked to have seen more characters, maybe working with you at some point. The Ultimates could show up to fight against Venom, or when Venom & Spiderman are going at it, the Hulk could rampage through for a while.

The Gameplay: The game is the comic, and when you're playing you ARE Spiderman. The speed, the jumping distance and height and the actions of Spidey's movement while doing all this look and feel natural. When it comes to web slinging the game shows just how Spiderman would move. The ease at which he spins from one web to the other, as well as the different ways he moves around, web swinging between the larger buildings in Manhattan and the web zipping along the rooftops of the buildings along Queens.
The game plays out in a number of ways, for the majority of the game you chase down the villain and then fight them. There are side quests that include races, and fight tours across the city. The chases can get repetitive and are often frustrating, if you fall to far behind you lose. Several times I almost threw the controller it was so annoying.
There is also a marked difference in the gameplay when playing as Venom. Here you chase and fight as well, however the fighting is more intense because as Venom you are able to regenerate health. The chases are also more frustrating because you cannot move vertically as easily as Spiderman can.

In the end it is a really fun game for the most part, however the frustrating bits bring the score down a little. The story is also a little short which brings the score down as well.
King of Kings Rating: ***1/2

Top 4 Hits of the Week:
1. Stronger - Kanye West
2. Brick House 2003 - Rob Zombie
3. New Workout Plan - Kanye West
4. If I Can't - 50 Cent

Monday, August 20, 2007

Finish the Fight

Im going to some concerts soon, Marilyn Manson, Linkin Park and the Killers (provided I get tickets). I am super pumped for all of them, I love seeing bands live and think that they will all put on one hell of a show. Now for the two I already have tickets to I am going alone, which I didn't think twice about, its not everyone's taste in music and i really want to see it so I bought just the one ticket. Alana came along and said it was sad that I was going by myself, I hadn't even though of it until she mentioned it. Alana is coming with me to the Killers, she felt sorry for me. In hindsight I probably could have found someone to go with, but i decided against it.
That was a mistake, I should be more proactive, especially in friendships. Hopefully I can make this long term change, I have already taken the first step. The problem, as far as I can tell comes primarily from my ego, which stops me from asking for help, or for appearing weak before anyone else, which is why I didnt go out and ask anyone, because I see it as a weakness. It is ridiculus to think that having friends makes you weak, or that a simple thing like asking them to go to a concert will make me seem weak. I think i could also sense the futility in it, I was sure everyone would say no so i didnt bother asking.
Lots of things to think about, meditate on and work out. Thats why I have this blog, its cheaper than therapy.

I have defied Gods and Demons.
I am your Shield. I am your Sword.
I know you, your past. Your Future.
This, is the way the world ends.

Random Updates:

It was my birthday this week. I got diving lessons. Im excited for these, I never would have thought of it, but Im really excited for it. Im going to get my license then start finding shipwrecks and stuff. Plus Bond could scuba, so its just one more thing to help me become Bond.

I also got a surprise from Lana. It was awesome. I knew i was going away for the weekend, and I knew there were spa treatments (Massage, Facial etc) involved. I was shcoked when we started heading out west and the Navman said 89k's left, Penrith was only 40, we were going twice past Penrith, where the hell were we going?
Turns out we were going to Lilianfels, which is heaven. Lilianfels is a 5 star Hotel and Spa Resort in the Blue Mountains. It is owned by the Orient Express group, who also own our favorite Sydney hotel, the Observatory. It is much more relaxed than the Observatory, you walk into a giant lounge room, with (I assume since it was foggy) great views. We had dinner at the restaurant there, Dahleys, and it was excellent, filling but not heavy at all. Sunday was where it all happened though. We got up early, played some snooker, in a billiard room that looks like it should be filled with cigar smoking old men deciding who they make president, went for a swim, in the indoor pool, had brunch at the restaurant, then we went to the spa. We both had a volcano rock massage, which was fantastic. Whole body exfoliated, wrapped with a mineral mask, then wash it off and get the all over warm stone massage. After that we had tea in the lounge then went down for a facial.
Good god it was relaxing. If you have never had a day of luxury, I strongly suggest it. It is the perfect way to relax. I cannot speak highly enough of it or of Lana who got it for me.

Caught in the Web:

Its a long read, but I laughed throughout the entire thing so I definately think its worth it. Its a guide of what to do and what not to do on a first date, including examples.

This story is just creepy and really, really, really stupid. A guy lived in a flat with over 200 spiders, snakes and lizards. Guess what happend. He was found covered in web, filled with spiders and partially eaten by the larger spiders, lizards and snakes.

This article is hard to describe but really really good. It shows the world map, representative of different statistics. The map showing HIV affected people is as you would expect, dominated by Africa. The toy exporter is almost entirely china. Really good, really interesting, although the data is from 2001, and a lot has happened since then.


Thirsty Merc (Live at Sharkies):
For a band that has as much difference between songs as Thirtsy Merc, they put on a concert that rocked pretty hard the whole way through. They started it off with a bang, with the hit Summertime. This song sounds completely different live, and it was a solid riff to open things up. They continued with a fair mix of their first and second CD, playing my personal favourites, "She's my brother" (Played a little faster, making it even better), "I Wish somebody would Build a Bridge" and the encore being "Emancipate Myself", which provided possibly the only time all night that the lead forgot his line, and even then It was messing up one owrd, which then sent him off.
The small crowd was good, but felt a little flat to start with, although you could tell that there were hardcore fans in the crowd and they made themselves heard. By the end everyone seemed to be much more into it. They stayed after the show and signed autographs for the fans.
King of Kings Rating: ****1/2

Babe of the day:


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Earth Needs Me

I have been reading a few articles lately about sex. Now mind you I have NOT been looking for them, they have come up through Digg mainly, but they have been a good read, and raised a lot of internal discussions. The two different things include a really well written, well thought out piece about the way that porn has affected younger generations. To summarise the main points, as I see them, young men are now expecting more from their partners, as they try to live up to what they have seen in porn. Women are now expected to do more and more to compete with the videos that are easily available everywhere.

Now you have to offer—or flirtatiously suggest—the lesbian scene, the ejaculate-in-the-face scene. Being naked is not enough; you have to be buff, be tan with no tan lines, have the surgically hoisted breasts and the Brazilian bikini wax—just like porn stars.

Part of me sympathises with the author, however I also believe that it can be seen as a stumble in the right direction. Opening people to be more adventurous, or at the very least more accepting of their own and their partners desires can only be a positive thing in a relationship. Rather than resenting your partner for not doing something, or not being able to talk to them about it, which would bleed into other areas of your relationship, possibly as fuel for other arguments, surely it is better to have a, potentially awkward discussion, letting them know how you feel. I think that being more open about what you want can only be a good thing, I have said before about the importance of communication, however it must be a two way street. If you would like your partner to do something, look a certain way, you must be open to thier wants and needs.
The next article is the stories of a clerk at a video store dealing with the customers in the porn section. There are some great stories and you will really think about the type of people that hire porn. Although most of the customers live up to the stereo type, it gives you something to think about.

Just heard a great thing on Howard Stern, The Simpson's is popular for the same reason Stern is, both smart and dumb people watch it, and both get different things out of it.

All right Australia, well done. 54% of the adult population is obese. Not just overweight, f^@&ing obese. Think ahead, apart from the HUGE amount of diabetes that will plague this population, there is also the increased heart disease that will get them along with about a thousand other things that obesity will bring about. I want to see how these people justify it to themselves, I know that when they look around, the majority of people look like them but that doesn't make it a good thing, to paraphrase "just cus its there don't make it fair" (This comes from a Las Vegas monorail ride where two women were talking about potential child names, somehow they decided that "Just cus its white don't make it right", playing the race card in naming a baby. How do they expect to move ahead if they are so hung up on the past).
I was going to say I am not here to judge these people but I am. A fatty who doesn't care they are fat will be a drain on the medical services of this country as well as on their families and anyone else they drag into their deep fried hell, and here we come to the heart of my anger. If someone is destroying their life with overeating and a lack of exercise, and they transfer these bad habits to their children that's when it becomes OK to condemn them. Its child abuse, maybe not intentional but no less evil.
If someone is actively trying to lose weight then they are doing the right thing, and these people escape my anger.
Turns out there are still some people with brains out there. A company in America has started to charge their unhealthy employees more for health insurance. Makes perfect sense and should be adopted NOW in Australia, all over. The amount of money that baby boomers are going to cost the health system is huge, add to that the fact that their for the most part fatties and it damn near doubles, they sure as shooting should be the ones paying for it. But knowing how its going to pan out, nothing will be done until its too late (think cityrail), at which time taxes will be raised to fund the now urgently needed hospitals and health insurance premiums will go up due to the strain of the fatties.
Its a viscous circle, the only way to stop this is for changes to be made. The only ones who can make the changes are the baby boomers, but its in their best interest not to.
They can be a great people, Kal-El. They wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I sent them you... my only son
This article seems to be a no brainer, however I can understand that it is not as cut and dry as it may seem. California as a state is in trouble. It does not have enough money to fund its services etc. This is a problem. A group, cartel, if you will, of marijuana growers have offered to pay taxes from sales, in the amount of one BILLION dollars. Of course to pay these taxes marijuana would first have to be legalised.
On one hand desperate times call for desperate measures. If there is an untapped revenue stream that could earn the state billions of dollars each year, it seems ludicrous to pass it up. Alchohol and tobacco are both legalised and heavily taxed, so there is precedent of addictive drugs being used as a tax revenue. Also a gentleman in the article raises a good point, the first state to legalise marijuana will experience an economic boom, as people will travel from all over the country for it.
On the other hand it would be harder to keep some drugs illegal while legalising marijuana, but, as I said alcohol and tobacco are legal. It would set a precedent, dealers of other drugs could start doing the same thing. I think the public perception is that any drug that can kill you straight away, like heroin etc should be banned, while those that kill you slowly should be allowed (I know you can die from alcohol poisoning but..Every point I try and make is struck down by my own logic. I cannot see why this is not going to happen, however if there is a counter point I would love to hear it, not being sarcastic, I really would.

My Top Tips:

Watch Tom Green, its online and its free, what more could you want. Don't think of the 'Freddy Got Fingered' Tom Green. Its much more like a Late Night Show, but its very, very laid back.

Random Updates:

I think I've ranted enough. As for me I have been super busy lately. Taking on extra work and upping my gym schedule to four times a week. I want a week off.

Dancing has started up again. Its so much fun, Im so glad we are going.

Caught in the Web:

If you're looking to waste some time, and who isnt. I strongly suggest this game. You guide a bouncy ball into the target, sounds easy and it is, but the ways it can be done is where the game gets really fun.

A list of the top 10 History Mysteries, almost rhymes. Includes Robin Hood, and the Voynich manuscript, which I had never heard of. Just reading it shows how much we still have to learn about the past. It doesn't go into great detail, but it sparked my interest and further research into some of these things.

On a smilar note, here is a list (with pictures) of 7 deserted areas, these include obvisouly chenobyl, but it also includes a US ghost towns, abandoned airfields and other places that have just been left behind. I like the siberian fortress the most. Just seems like it would have been something to see, when it was standing.


The Simpsons Movie:
I laughed almost the whole way through. Thats all I want from a comedy. It wasn't epic, it wasn't the be all end all for the series. It was good.
King of Kings Rating: ***1/2

Babe of the day:

Erica Durance

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I Don't Shine If You Don't Shine

My Top Tips:

This site lists different ways to build self confidence, these things are easily done and I was surprised to see how many I have already adapted in my life. I start to wonder, does my confidence come from these activities that i have started or did my starting these things come from an increased confidence. The ones I started a while ago include:

  • Dress Sharp - I don't look great all the time, but when I want to make an impression, or look good, I think I pull it off quite well.
  • Walk Faster - I have never walked with someone who can keep up with me effortlessly. It's not a fitness thing I just happend to walk quite quickly, walk with a purpose and you will want to do more when you get to the destination.
  • Good Posture - This is just sensible advice. Stand up straight, you look better and feel better, there is no down side, and no reason not too.
  • Work Out - This is something that is not applicable to everyone. However if you look at it as any type of exercise it is much more obtainable. The positive effects on the body are recorded everywhere.

Random Updates:

I just caught myself thinking, "Its just inconsiderate of someone not to have a blog now days". I don't really believe it, but its not such a bad idea. There are times when you want to catch up on what people are doing and you don't want to call them, making blogs not necessary but extremely useful. I mean this is just me, and as you can tell I'm all for technology and stuff.

Caught in the Web:

To give people an idea of what its like to talk to clients that want a website made, this site provides a pretty good, and funny comparison.
This site lists some of the strangest things found in Google Earth. From bikinis on bondi beach, to a giant rabbit and elephants on the move. Its a great spread of things that can be found if you look hard enough.

Self Improvement Link of the week:

Those in the know, know that i meditate, just before going to bed usually, but I try and do it everyday. Its my own personal mix of transcendental meditation and various calming / healing techniques. I dont do it, to heal or anything grand like that. It relaxes and centers me, and helps me detatch from things that are worrying, annoying or bothering me. It gives you a broader perspective on your world. Here is an article that lists four other reasons to meditate.

Similar to this here is an article for establishing a calming routine. Who among us wouldn't like to be calmer and more relaxed during the day.


I have decided to stick to a star rating system for all things. It will make review comparisons easier.

Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix:

The movies have been, hit and miss in my opinion. I think the first was quite average, the second was great, Lockhart stole the show completely. The third was excellent, I wish they had of kept the director from this for the rest of the movies. It had a good tone, and although some scenes were bad, it had more atmosphere and style than the others. The forth was in my opinion pretty poor the characters were WAY off.

The fifth movie redeems the franchise from the fourth. Due to the size of the book, being crammed into a short movie, the movie moves along at a blistering pace. It does not stop, it runs from one great moment to the next.

The actors are all performing a lot better now, which is to be expected. Some of the casting is just perfect Umbridge, Voldemort, Bellatrix and Sirius are all spot on to what i imagined in the book.

The book had two scenes that I loved Fred & George leaving the school and Dumbledore resisting arrest. Both these scenes were great, really great, but not quite as I pictured them. However the fight between the Death Eaters and the Order was even better than i thought (It was too short).

Overall I think it was a great movie, definitely a step up from the previous movie and exciting me for the next.

King of Kings Rating: ****

Stella by Starlight:

A good production. It was funny and engaging. I think all the performances were very strong. I enjoyed it.

King of Kings Rating: ***

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

Its hard to review this without emotion as its THE LAST EVER HARRY POTTER. Its also hard not to give to much away. I'll do what I can.

To break it down the book starts really strong. Equal parts emotion and action. The book continues well for quite a while. The book slows down once it is just Harry, Hermione and Ron. This part is quite slow, however it mirrors the feelings of the characters at the time, as they are also waiting. Once things pick up again they don't slow down. There is a the final fight between the forces of good and evil and it does not dissapoint. There is much said about the epilogue, that it is hacked together and forced. I think that it served its purpose to wrap things up nicely.

King of Kings Rating: ****1/2

Babe of the day:

Keeley Hazel

Top 5 Hits of the Week:
1. Sams Town - The Killers
2. O Fortuna - Carmina Burana
3. Umbrella - Rhianna
4. What Ive Done - Linkin Park
5. King of Kings - MotorHead

Monday, July 16, 2007

I Got 99 Problems But...

Well, I am now a member of the facebook community. Will that affect the semi regular posting on here?
I doubt it.

My Top Tips:

If every time you log on to your computer you open the same things (i.e. iTunes, Internet, Bittorrent(Dont steal music), or whatever), this website shows how to create a shortcut that will open them all in one. It is programming but if you can create a txt document then you are qualified.

Random Updates:

Busy has become my middle name. Admittedly its not 'real' busy, yknow with pressure to get things done, but Im never sitting around wishing I had something to do. The weekends seem to fill up and drift by all too quickly. Like last, last weekend, went in to Max Brennars for chocolate on sunday morning, sure some people go to church, but us gods prefer chcolate. It was SO good, the thick italian milk chocolate and the Suckao (Pron: Suck-ow) were so good, although im 99% sure i now have diabetes.

This most recent weekend (I am so lazy with the updates) saw a trip with Alana to Bondi. We were celebrating the end of our first Salsa dancing course, with a big group dinner at the CopaCabana Bondi, which was great. Dinner is served continually, no menu so i guess if you didn't like the food it might not be so good. I did, which was great. It also has professional dancers performing throughout the night, lots of different styles, including capoeira (Brazilian Fight Dancing). It was all in all a great night.
Alana and I also stayed overnight in Bondi at the Swiss Grand Bondi, which was really nice. Alana booked it through wotif and got 50% off which means we got a suite. It was a really nice place, and included breakfast.

Then on sunday my cousins came down. I had forgotten how much fun hide and seek is. I also forgot that the purpose of the game, whether you're hiding or seeking, is to shoot Alana.

Caught in the Web:

A list of the best websites of the year, as voted by time magazine. Worth a look if you want to see what the next YouTube or MySpace might be.


Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom:
This was the first book I read through Daily Lit.
Addictive as crack. This is set in the future when the death rate has dropped to 0, thanks to the ability to 'backup' yourself, much like a computer. These backups can be restored into clones. In this future money has been eradicated and the currency of the time is 'whuffie' (respect). The story follows a person who is living in Disney World, taking care of the Haunted Mansion. I won't give the plot away but i will say once you start reading you wont stop, which is easy because its not that long. The story never drags, even though there are many sub stories and diversions to the central plot. Each of the main characters are fleshed out as much as needed and the relationship between them is constantly evolving in engaging ways.
The author does a fantastic job of portraying this possible future as realistically as possible, doctors do not have medical skills anymore, as they simply restore from back up as a perfect cure-all.
A fantastic light read, thats engaging and fun.
Divine Word: Read it, its free for crying out loud.

Oh hell yeah.
I was hyped for this movie, but more than a little hesitant.
All fears were blown away. This movie is fantastic. The plot is paper thin, but there is enough to hold it together for the two and a half hours. The action is balanced reasonably well, with character and plot developing scenes. The star of the movie is obviously Shia LaBeouf, who plays his part to perfection.
The transformers themselves are good, and have much more personality than i ever thought they would. Which helps make them more interesting as characters. The secondary set of characters are all quite good, the soldiers, the government (both the defence and sector 7) and the (Hot!) signal expert all fall into place quite nicely.
The pacing is excellent flowing between the action and characters. Its just a great movie.
Divine Word: Go see it.

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer:
Wow Marvel. First Spiderman 3 and now this. You've gotten lazy. F4:RotSS is a lazy, lazy sequel. It doesn't step away from the first enough to stand out, and what it borrows from the first it does so poorly, so the end result is a massive let down.
The problem is that nothing in the movie stands out. The infighting between the four is never really dramatic enough to make you think that the team will split up. The surfer is obviously a 'good' bad guy so you never side against him, galactus is never given a personality so its hard to side against him and Doom is sidelined for so long in the movie that when he makes a play, it is overshadowed by the larger threat.
Everything in this movie was done better in the first. I have trouble recommending this even for fans of the original (As I am) because it not only fails to live up to it (like Spiderman 3) it fails completely as a movie.
Divine Word: Don't Bother.

Babe of the day:

Jessica Alba:

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Its a magical world Hobbes old buddy, Lets go exploring

The concept of 'countries' will be dead in the future. Much as Voltron propehsised the world will realise that only by working together will progress be made. No more thinking in terms of countries. Think in terms of the world. Yes we may have gotten unemployment low, but globally there are larger problems. I don't want to sound too much like a hippy, and I realise that it will take something HUGE to bring about the change, but it will happen. Thus speaks the morning star.

My Top Tips:

Contribute to your super. If in Australia (and I know we have gotten a few other countries ducking in for a few seconds), and earn under $58 000 send $1000 (If you have it), into your
superannuation fund. The government will chip in a maximum of $1.50 for every $1 you put in, up to $1000. This will work out better than savings, not immediately, but in the long run, and its important to remember the long run.
Alright I'm lazy and this doesn't really matter anymore, whatever

Random Updates:
The weekend was god damn fantastic. Alana and I went and saw Play! A Video Game Symphony, which while geeky was really good. We got a hotel room at Rydges World Square, went to Dinner at Angus SteakHouse then on sunday had breakfast at Pancakes.

Caught in the Web:
Daily Lit - Is one of the best things I have found. You choose a book (From a list of public domain ones) and they send you it via email, bit by bit each day. If you're like me, you'll end up reading 4 or 5 parts a day, I think that has a lot to do with the story I chose (Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom). It has started strong and keeps me wanting more, more, MORE.

Instructables is a great web site. It provides instructions on damn near everything. if you're ever looking to kill an afternoon, weekend, month or year building something this place has the project for you.

Play! was really different. Some of the pieces went well. Starting it off with Mario was good, because its a well known fast paced piece, relaxed the crowd. A lot of the music was very dark and war like, which while good, didn't allow for a more rounded overall sound. There were some parts that slowed it down, I though Sonic managed to cover more bases stylistically, but overall a definite A++.

Angus was excellent. I have a friend who works there so I've been meaning to go for ages. Im glad I did, everything was fantastic, the steak was incredible, cooked to perfection. The sticky date pudding at the end was so good. Alana's dessert while tasting light was deceptively filling. Expensive, but worth it as a treat, A+.