Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Not everything is strippers and booze and buckets of blood

It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack of style

My Top Tips:

Work on my story continues, at a snails pace admittedly, but it continues. Its strange watching this story evolve, I have mapped out the current chapter, and the next, although they only take up about a line each, so its not detailed. But everytime I sit down this story just kind of appears, I haven't thought it out, but still its showing up, with characters and intrigue and already I have decided it will be a trilogy, to start with, and know of a few scenes and trilogy long story arcs I will be including. Its filling in these finer points that is strange, because it is so unexpected.

12 New Commandments:
Commandment the Fifth: Be your own person.
This seems kind of strange, in a list telling you how to live life, one of the points is to ignore others advice and make your own life. I present this as the most important of any commandment. At the end of the day each person is themselves responsible for how thier life turns out. Whether they accept this responsibility or not is something entirely different.
This does not mean that you should ignore what everyone else says and go stomping off on your own path, although sometimes that's what's needed. Listen and learn from others, there is a lot of knowledge out there. At the end of the day its what you do with what you have learnt that matters. If you like something, despite protests from others saying you shouldn't, ignore them, similarly, if you find yourself doing things you dislike, but pretending to like them just to fit in, I would sugggest a change.
Its a hard one to qualify, because it is a self negating statement. Learn to live with yourself, because you will be together for the rest of your life.

These are getting harder to think up each time, maybe I should have limited it to ten. Or seven, actually five would be great.

Random Updates:

Listening to people talk about something, anything with passion, is a powerful force. The two examples I have are:
1) On Howard Stern, they were talking about a party at a pizza place. The way they went on about how good the pizzas were, as well as the company at the party. If you could listen to it and not want a pizza, you live a sad life.
2) Listening to the 1Up Yours Podcast (About games). Listening to them wax on about a game, (In this case Mass Effect). It definately put this game on my radar.

Baby-sat my cousins all weekend. Man it was fun. One is 1 y.o, the other is 3 y.o. Its wierd to see what they see as fun, the three year old wanted games that had the appearance of competition, but only so that he could say he is the winner. The games were to revolve around him winning, and if he didnt the rules were changed so he would. We never lose the desire to win, but when do we pick up the difference between a win that we deserve compared to just being given a win.
The 1 y.o just wanted me to lay down so he could sit on my chest and look at me, or jump in and disrupt what ever the 3 y.o was doing.
I think they made me sick. Damn them.

So the Writers Guild of America is on strike. From what I can gather, the writers want more residual money, from dvds and they also want to get money for 'new media' as in shows sold over the internet. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers is saying 'no dice' to the whole affair. Refusing to give any residuals for the new media and not willing to renegotiate on the DVD residuals. This seems ridiculus to me. The AMPTP has to realise that now is not the time to be without tv shows. Without new content thier cash source will dry up real quick. DVD sales might boom, as will NetFlix rentals and possibly video game sales, it will be really hard to get back some of the audience it loses.
if people who previously werent buying DVD's start to now, they will realise how annoying 'free'-to-air is with its constant interruptions. So again, the DVD sales go up, but if the ratings go down, then sponsers leave, and then you really lose money. Its a slippery slope, I think that when scripted tv does come back, it wont be bigger than ever, but rather it will face a tough few months before it has pre strike ratings. But then again people are stupid so im almost certain to be wrong.

Caught in the Web:

I have for a long time been fascinated with the original fairy tales. I think its crazy how the original stories told to children when they were created, yet are now deemed to upsetting.

This is just .... a sign of the times i guess. Ashley Maddison is a dating site, for those already in a relationship. Its created to facilitate adultery. I find myself, although initially disgusted, now almost not caring. It is just the way society is heading, there is a market there and these people are just selling to that market. Reminds me of when my grandmother wondered what was wrong with people that they had to go online to find a partner, why they couldnt just go to the pub and find someone. That seemed like such a no brainer to me, why should your partner be confined to the people you could meet at any one spot on any one night. By going online you are able to find more people with similar interests. Im not saying that the current dating model is wrong, but from a coldly, logical stand point, it doesnt make much sense. Hell, look how many marriages end in divorce (Maybe because of Ashley Maddison, yessssssss, way to tie it all back Matty), surely that shows that the current methods are heavily flawed.

I love this story, there was a traffic incident between a guy and girl. I don't know who was to blame, but there was mutual aggression shown, and then the woman gave the 'little pinky' motion to the man. This worked, as he got so angry he threw a bottle at her car. Of course he got fined and so on.
I love it. The "No one thinks big of you" is perfect in terms of what it wants to do. It works on the best principle, hit 'em where it hurts. If they are 'insecure' this will really piss them off, which may cause them to slow down.

Just incase you watch Resident Evil and think, that'll never happen. Oh how wrong you are. I predict Zombies appear in 10-15 years. America, where they originate, is lost within 6 months, EurAsia within a year, England 14 months, Australia 16-24 months (Depending on the intelligence of the Zombies). New Zealand 15 months. I, of course, will take 50 women of my choosing and live on the moon for 20-50 years, preparing a repopulation for when the zombies eventually die off. Hmm, they will probably eat the majority of animals, so I guess eventually I will be a vegetarian, that and deep sea fish.

Top 3 Hits of the Week:
1. Bleed it Out - Linkin Park
2. Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance
3. Head like a Hole - NIN

Babe of the day:

Scarlet Johanson

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